Paper is a wonderfully sustainable product. It is recyclable, compostable, and made from renewable resources. Recycling paper extends the supply of wood fiber, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and reduces the amount of energy needed to produce some paper products. Paper is also the most recycled material in the world, with a 60-75% recovery rate. In fact, in the U.S., 2/3 of the material used to make paper comes from recycled paper and scrap wood.
We recycle more than just paper. Everything from printing plates, to ink and toner canisters, to shipping pallets are taken care of in a conscientious and sustainable manner. It's the right decision not only for our business, but for the planet, too.
For more facts and information about the sustainability of the print industry, visit

Toyo Soy Kaleido Ink - soy-based inks allow quick makeready times and reduced waste, while offering a premium color spectrum.